Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Father's Day!

Dear Daddy, You are the best father a little girl could ever have! I love you. Thank you for all that you do for me and mommy! Love, Baby Darla


Darla does not enjoy taking her medicine...

Nancy visits

Great-godmother Nancy visited last week and was a huge help to us! Darla was so excited to meet her in person. :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

4 Months

At 4 months, baby Darla is grabbing her feet, playing with toys, laughing, rolling across the room, bearing weight on her feet when held, "swimming" in the bathtub, yelling when her toys fall out of reach, and loving her jumperoo.

Thank you, Mamee, for the jumperoo!

Mamee and Granddaddy visit

Mamee and Granddaddy visited Memorial Day weekend. Darla had a great time with them and behaved herself very well during lunch out on Sunday. She laughed and smiled while Mamee sang to her and played "Three Little Monkeys," and she loved doing exercises and making faces at Granddaddy on the play mat. We wish they could've stayed longer! Darla has brand new flip-flops from Mamee and Granddaddy that you will see in later pictures. :) And thank you, Mamee and Granddaddy, for babysitting and letting Mom and Dad have a date night.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Please laugh for the camera!

Darla has started laughing out loud and it is HILARIOUS! We keep trying to capture it on video, but she won't do it for the camera. Here is one attempt. She is smiley, but still no chuckles on film. We'll get it one of these days.