Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Baby, it's cold outside!

It actually SNOWED a couple of days ago, so we've been bundling Darla in various hoods, hats, and coats. Snow, already!

Darla in her new winter coat from Mamee & Granddaddy.

9 Months

Darla is crawling at super speed.

Macy is such a good sport!

Darla loves to hang on the gate and rattle, rattle, rattle as if to say, "Lemme outta this joint!"

Christmas comes early

Mark and I had a coupon for a learning "house" for Darla for Christmas....but I couldn't wait until then! Mark put it together on Sunday while Darla helped.


Darla and Grand-Godmother Nancy.

Darla and pal Caitlin.

Halloween Parties

Darla at her playgroup Halloween party

Darla and Sabine at Mark's office party

Mark's department set up the huge spiderweb for the kids.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Monkey Business

Here is Darla modeling her Halloween costume for Mamee and Granddaddy during their visit.

Darla and Granddaddy playing laundry boat.

Darla squealing, "Giddy-up Daddy!"

Darla loved spending time with Mamee and Granddaddy.