Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Darla is one!!! Poor little baby was sick on her birthday so we had to cancel the party. We had a quiet day at home. She's feeling better now! I'll post pictures soon. Love, M

Good Horsie!

Sabine gave Darla this precious rocking horse. She loves it! When we say "Good Horsie," she will go over and pat the horse on the head. She also likes to offer him drinks from her sippy cup.

Darla and Daddy watching NFL playoffs.

All of Darla's friends from playgroup are celebrating birthdays over the next month. She had a great time at her friend's party and loves the balloon she received as a favor.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dresses & Shoes

Heather knitted this adorable dress for Darla in the fall, and we have been waiting for her to grow into it. It has the cutest bloomers and little shoes to match! This is especially nice since we have been practicing dress-wearing. Yes, that's right. We need to practice. Darla usually twists and pulls and tugs until a dress of any sort is removed, so we are practicing so that she can attend her baptism in something other than cotton pants. She did really well in Heather's dress! The bloomers and booties were another matter...

Dear Wanda, I love my new pink sweatsuit jacket! Love, Darla
The first pair of shoes...she'd rather chew on them than wear them. :)

Fun with the playgroup friends...notice Darla is the only one without socks. Even in January, she doesn't want socks on her feet!