Saturday, February 27, 2010

First Real Bath!

Darla's belly button is finally ready for baths in her froggy bathtub. She loves the warm water pouring over her!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Eye is better today!

Darla's eye is looking much better! She has been wide awake this morning looking at the baby aquarium toy from Marie. :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

2:00am call to pediatrician

We had our first 2am call to the pediatrician last night. Darla has been having trouble with her right eye (it's goopy!) and it became worse over night. We took her temperature (which was normal, thank goodness) and talked to the on-call nurse who told us to go to the pediatrician first thing this morning. The doctor checked her out and thinks it is probably a blocked tear duct, but she is checking Darla for infection. She sent us home with prescription ointment just in case, and we will get the test results in a day or two. Hopefully it is nothing to worry seems blocked tear ducts are fairly common. I'm praying it's not infected! She's been out of sorts some this weekend and only gained 1 ounce since Friday. The doctor didn't seem concerned, but recommended we come in for another weight check at the end of the week if Darla doesn't get busy drinking soon.

We're home now and she's resting peacefully. Daddy is back at work and Mommy is trying to calm down!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Backward Baby Shower!!!

Our wonderful family in West Virginia gave us a "backward" baby shower. They brought gifts to Great Aunt Barb's house and wrapped everything together, then shipped them to us. Here are Darla, Mark, Ralph, and Jo with all of the wonderful gifts!!! Thank you Aunt Barb for hosting the shower and WV clan for the generous gifts!

Sweet girl

Although she doesn't like sponge baths, we think she will like a real bath. We will find out as soon as the cord falls off completely...

Cord is mostly off...we love her belly button. She is enjoying her pack 'n play!

Sleepy girl

Darla meets Memphis family via webcam!

Darla was able to meet her Great-Aunt Pat, Great Uncle Harry, Great-Grandma Margaret, and Great-Pop Gene via webcam this morning. The camera loves her.

Nanna and Grandpa!

Nanna and Grandpa have been here all week helping and getting to know Darla. She loves them! We think they might like her a bit, too.... :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Good report from pediatrician!

She has gained 7 ounces in 7 days and now measures 20 inches! Hurray!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Daddy time

Darla loves for her daddy to sing to her and dance around with her!

Manicure, Burping, and Thumb

Darla found her thumb!

She always falls asleep when it's time to burp...

Darla's first manicure!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

More Mamee, Granddaddy, and Darla

Mamee and Granddaddy!!!

In Mamee's lap

Mamee, Granddaddy, & Darla!

Darla's first Valentine!!!


Granddaddy & Darla Ruth

Mamee arrived on February 9th and has done at least 100 loads of laundry since then! We have eaten delicious food and been pampered all week by her! Granddaddy arrived on February 13th...just in time to celebrate Darla's first Valentine's Day! Darla loves to be held by Mamee and Granddaddy and gaze into their eyes!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A visit from Katie & PJ

Katie with Darla....PJ held her, too, but we didn't get a picture!

Gaining weight!

Darla went back to the pediatrician & gained 4 ounces in 3 days! Hurray!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First visit to the pediatrician

Darla got a great report at the doctor. She still needs to gain weight, but the milk came in while we were there! Her doctor thinks she's right on track, and we'll check back in three days.

Monday, February 8, 2010

First time in her's a little big!

Coming home from the hospital -- 3 days old

First ride in the carseat! Mommy and Daddy were nervous, but baby Darla fell asleep in the car. She is such a content baby!