Darla loves looking at Daddy! As soon as he gets home, she looks in the direction of his voice.

Mamee Sallie mailed me some of the dresses I wore as a 6-week old...Darla (at 3 weeks) is getting too big for this one already! Not enough room to button the collar because of those chubby cheeks. :)

Because of all of my concerns about breastfeeding (and whether she's getting enough), Daddy went out in the snowstorm on Saturday and bought us an infant scale. She's growing, thank goodness!!! And now crazy Mommy can check her every day. :)

Darla's first time enjoying her swing.

Darla loves to look at her aquarium (from Marie) every morning.

Here she is in an outfit that she has grown into that was a gift from Chris & his family. She is growing out of the newborn outfits already!