Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Colic. Wow, it's tough. The important thing is that she is healthy, she will outgrow the colic, and she does have restful days in between spells. Which means we have time to rest, too. And I am learning that she is, at times, inconsolable and she just has to cry it out. (And often I cry it out at the same time!) We're learning her cues and trying different ways of calming to see what works. She loves to be rinsed in warm water and (we discovered last night) swaddled with a rolled towel wrapped up behind her back. Thanks again, Dr. Mick for helping us yesterday! Oh, and she loves the sound of her great-grandmother's voice. When Grandma and Nick were here, she was golden. Can you guys come back?

Now the sun is shining, she is asleep peacefully, and I AM going to take a shower today. The storm (literally and figuratively) has passed. Time for a nap...

P.S. Mothers of colicky babies, please send me advice about how to keep her comfortable and how to help her pass all of that gas! Thanks for any suggestions! And forgive me for not returning phone and emails at times! We have been up all night for several nights now.