Saturday, January 15, 2011


Happy New Year! Darla is now eleven months and began walking on Saturday night, January 8th. She took her first two steps in pursuit of her babydoll (given by Great-Grandparents Athey) and moved from the pack 'n play over to where I was holding the doll! She has repeated several times each day and is growing stronger. We haven't caught it on film, of course, but we have several shots of her pushing the train, stroller, etc. So what is Darla up to at age eleven months? She loves to brush her four teeth, eat blueberries, read books (current favorite Dinosaur Roar), and climb on everything. She still loves to "fold" laundry, chase Macy, and play with toys (train, stroller, and little people are current favorites). Darla's favorite song is "Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes" and she loves to wave, blow kisses, and stretch. She is learning a little sign language and does a great job signing "All done!" when she is finished eating. You are all she sleeping yet? Well, we're getting there. I think...

Darla sends hugs, kisses, and bites! Mostly hugs and kisses. :)